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Parent/teacher conferences

Welcome to our online booking system for Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences!

To book  appointments

At Spitzee School, Parent-Teacher Conferences are a key part of our communication strategy regarding your child’s progress.  Please plan on booking and attending a parent-teacher conference with the applicable teacher(s) for each child you have attending the school.

This round of conferences we are using again the Spitzee School Conference Manager.  This application allows you, as a parent, to use the Internet to check our teachers’ conference schedules and book appointments quickly and easy.

If you created a parent account for conferences last February, you can continue to use this same account for the duration of the time you have children in the school, so please record your password where you can reference it later. If you didn’t record your password, you can create a new account.

We greatly appreciate parents booking their own appointments, but know this is not always possible.  If you are unable to book your own appointment, please call the school during regular office hours and we are happy to assist you over the phone, (403) 652-2376.

To book  appointments

Online tutorials regarding the use of the Conference Manager are available at: http://www.schoolsoft.ca/tutorials/parents.html

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