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Grades 1-6

Elementary School (Grades 1-6) 

Facilitated Online and Independent Full-Time Learning for Elementary Students 

 Foothills Digital School offers a full elementary school program. As with the vision from Alberta Education we prioritize and have a dedicated focus on literacy and numeracy, especially in the younger years. The core subjects of Math, English Language Arts, Social Studies and Science are the main focus, with Health and Life Skills, Career and Technology Foundations, and Fine Arts integrated alongside supplementary activities through home facilitators. Visit Alberta Education's for more information on the specific content in each subject area for each grade. 

 In this dynamic, virtual learning environment, it is essential to have a network of support in place to ensure the success of all of the learners at each grade level. We recognize that learning will look different for each grade level, with unique learning needs and contexts. As a result, it is important to have active involvement on behalf of home facilitators (parents or designated adult supports) to ensure the success of each learner.  

 Each grade in Foothills Digital School will have an Online Teacher who is appointed to guide and work alongside the students and home facilitators in their learning journeys. Students will engage in various learning activities, both online, and in print format. 

 Program Expectations 

  • there will be required synchronous meeting times online where students will be interacting with their peers and teachers in a virtual classroom setting. 
  • it is an expectation at Foothills Digital School that all students actively participate in synchronous online sessions. 
  • students turn on their cameras/microphones and participate in the class when called upon, especially since a key component of online teaching is to communicate with students during class time. 
  • It is essential for students to actively engage in these learning opportunities, in order to acquire knowledge and develop skills as they interact with their teachers, peers and content. 
  • The majority of the time will be characterized by independent, home-facilitated learning. Students will engage with and utilize various programs, resources and technologies to support their learning.  
  • Each elementary student is required to commit to learning activities that account for a minimum of 20 to 25 hours per week. This includes time for both the live (synchronous) learning as well time to read instructions, complete assignments, watch recorded videos, etc.  
  • Students also need to be in an appropriate space when attending classes. For example, a desk, kitchen table, etc. Attending class while in a bedroom is not appropriate. If your student requires accommodation to this expectation, please contact your child’s teacher(s). 
  • As a student at Foothills Digital School, students are expected to log in and complete assignments in a timely manner. If it is noticed that there is inactivity, without communication as to why students are not present, teachers will reach out via email or phone calls. School administration may become involved to ensure that the proper supports are in place for the learner to be successful. 

 Home Support

 Support in the home by parent(s)/guardian(s) is essential for student success in the Grade 1-6 Program. Parents need to consider their child’s learning needs, as well as the availability of adult support (caregiver) within the school day, in determining the suitability for online learning. Caregivers need to support the child through:

  • Having effective daily routines within the home
  • Young learners will need support with accessing learning and submitting their assignments
  • Elementary students will need support during the regular school day. They will require support between regular synchronous sessions
  • Students are expected to work independently, without adult support, when the teacher requests it. It is essential for students to make mistakes in their learning and be encouraged that mistakes are important in the next steps of learning
  • You will need to provide a quiet space free from distraction.
  • Headphones, a camera, and microphone are important tools

 We value this community approach to learning, and we are excited to invite your student in to join us in the learning journey through our online school platform. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns about our programs or our school. 


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